
Friday, April 8, 2011

animal genetic disorders

1.  Two-headed crocodile

It is a baby crocodile twins conjoined twins with two heads found in 2001 by the staff of a crocodile farm in Thailand.

2. Insects two-headed
These insects include species of grasshoppers, crickets and katydids. Animals have two heads, and that red may be more attractive to divert attention from predators. This photo was taken at an old coffee plantation in amaga, the state of Antioquia, Colombia which has a height of 1.400 m above sea level.

3.Two-headed cat

This two-headed kitten born in Swan Veterinary clinic in Perth, Western Australia, when the parent is brought in after suffering complications during the birth process. Pet cat George Huber and Louisa Burgess is smaller than his brother was not born with defects.

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